A comprehensive overview of the company's financial performance, strategic initiatives, and sustainability efforts. With interactive features and engaging visuals, it offers stakeholders valuable insights into Aldar's achievements and prospects.
Role: Design Director
Role: Design Director

My primary objective was to create a captivating and on-brand digital report. I meticulously adhered to the Aldar brand guidelines, ensuring a consistent visual identity throughout the report. We established a strong brand presence that resonated with stakeholders by incorporating the brand's colour palette, typography, and iconography.
Leveraging Figma's collaborative capabilities, we seamlessly collaborated on the project, iterating and refining ideas in real time. We crafted a user-centric experience with intuitive navigation, data visualisation, and engaging animations to present complex information compellingly.
Working with the development team, we seamlessly integrated Figma designs into Webflow, using its powerful capabilities to bring interactivity to life. The dev team utilised Webflow's robust features to implement scroll-triggered animations, interactive charts, and embedded multimedia elements, making the report dynamic and engaging.
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Created with HLabs in 2023